

This method lists all cover pages associated with the given group. This feature is available for Primary users ONLY.

Formal Definition


Name Type Comments
PrimaryUserID String The name of the user authenticating to the API
Password String The password for the username
groupId String The group to list all associated cover pages for


Name Type Comments
GetCoverpagesAssignedToGroupResult Structure An object containing the results of the query.
ResultCode Integer The result of the operation: 0 for success, otherwise an error code indicating what went wrong; see the Error Codes, below
CoverPages Array of AccountCoverPage Contains an array of objects populated with properties of the cover pages associated with the logged in user’s account
AccountId Integer Account ID of the logged in user
Name String Name of the cover page
HtmlBody String The body of the cover page as HTML
BinaryBody List<byte> The body of the cover page as binary content
Header String The header of the cover page
Footer String The footer of the cover page
Type Integer The cover page type. Possible values: 0 = message only, 1 = Html, 2 = PDF
CoverpageBodyType Integer The type of the cover page body. Possible values: 0 = None, 1 = Text, 2 = Html
IsPublic Boolean Whether the cover page is public or private

Error Codes

Value Description
-150 Internal System Error. An exception occurs at any point in the execution of the web service method.
-310 The logged in user in context is not a primary user. User is not authorized to operate actions on RequestedUserID.
-1003 Authentication error: the user cannot be authenticated when either the username or the password is incorrect OR any other last error occurred when authenticating the user.