Fax ASP Classic – Getting Started

Note: If you are using the ASP.NET framework, see the ASP.NET fax section.

This section describes how to get started before sending a fax with ASP classic.

Consuming a Web service from an ASP environment requires a SOAP library to be made available. The package we have found most suitable is an open source library named Pocket SOAP, available here.

The sample code provided by Interfax was implemented with the Pocket SOAP library.

An alternative option is to use Microsoft SOAP Toolkit v3.0. The Microsoft package is available here.

Required References

The ASP sample project needs the following com objects to be installed:

  • Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
  • PocketHTTP 1.3.3 Type Library
  • PocketSOAP 1.5.5 Type Library
  • Microsoft XML, v3.0

Interfax Credentials

The user name and password are set at the Utils.asp include file. Change them according to your user and password.

Using Fax ASP Classic Web Service Methods

Each module is named after a fax ASP Web service method. The values of most parameters are arranged as constants at the head of each module.

In addition, a module named Utils.asp is provided, and is included by all scripts. It contains useful tools for manipulation of binary data, to overcome some ASP limitations.

To continue, download the ASP classic examples.