ColdFusion Fax – Get List of Inbound Faxes
The GetList method demonstrated in this sample allows you to retrieve a list of inbound (received) faxes with ColdFusion.
In the ColdFusion fax snippet below, the GetList method is used to display information for a number of submitted faxes:
<!--- Username and password for the Interfax account. --->
<cfset interfaxUsername = "">
<cfset interfaxPassword = "">
<cfset objMessageItem = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset listType = "AllMessages">
<cfset maxItems = 10>
<!--- Create and call the web service --->
<cfset faxWebservice = CreateObject("webservice", "")>
<cfset resultCode = faxWebservice.getList(interfaxUsername, interfaxPassword, listType, maxItems, "objMessageItem")>
<!--- If the result code is 0 then the call was succesfull --->
<cfif resultCode eq 0>
<!--- If the objMessageItems doen't exist then we don't have any faxes on the server --->
<cfif isDefined("objMessageItem")>
<!--- Get all the faxes --->
<cfset faxItems = objMessageItem.getMessageItem()>
<!--- Display the info for the retrieved faxes --->
<table border="2">
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen( faxItems )#" index="i">
<cfset currentFaxItem = faxItems[i]>
No faxes to retrieve.
Error message: #resultCode#