Fax VB.NET – Cancel Outbound Fax
Download the fax VB.NET project files.
The CancelFax method shown in this sample allows you to cancel a previously-submitted, outbound fax using VB.NET. Using CancelFax only effects faxes waiting to be sent (with the status codes: -1 Preprocessing, -2 Ready, or -3 Pending Retry), and not faxes that are being actively transmitted.
The fax VB.NET code snippet below cancels a fax and checks if the cancellation succeeded:
Sub Main()
Dim username As String = "my username"
Dim password As String = "my password"
Dim transactionID As Integer = 196805130
Dim ifws As New interfax.InterFax()
Dim st As Long = ifws.CancelFax(username, password, transactionID)
Console.WriteLine("Result is: " & st)
End Sub