Get batch record

Retrieve information regarding a previously-submitted batch, including its completion statistics.

GET /outbound/batches/{id}


Name (bold if mandatory Type Comments Default
id Number The ID of the batch for which to retrieve data. None, mandatory.


If successful, an outbound fax structure is returned that includes the following properties:

Name Type Description
totalOK Number Number of successful faxes in batch.
totalFailed Number Number of failed faxes in batch.
totalInProcess Number Number of faxes in batch still in process.
batchHeadId Number Unique identifier for the batch.
userId String The submitting user.
numOfTransactions Number Number of child faxes in batch
submitTime DateTime Submission time of the batch
replyEmail Email E-mail address for confirmation message.
reference String A name or other optional identifier.
pagesSubmitted Number Total number of pages submitted.
senderCSID String Sender’s fax ID.
pageSize String A4LetterLegal, or B4
pageOrientation String Portrait or Landscape
pageResolution String Standard or Fine
renderingQuality String Standard (optimize for black & white) or Fine (optimize for grayscale)
pageHeader String The fax header text inserted at the top of the page.
attemptsToPerform Number Maximum number of transmission attempts requested in case of fax transmission failure.

Sample Call


GET /outbound/batches/280090125 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=


curl "" ^
   -u username:password

Sample response (prettified for display here)
