
Name Type Description
Username String
CheckPassword Boolean
Conversion String
FeedbackType Integer 0-Never; 1-On success; 2-On failure; 3-Always
FeedbackFormat Integer 0-Plain Text (EN); 1-HTML-Local Language; 2-HTML(EN); 3-CSV
FeedbackWithTIF Boolean Should the image be attached to the feedback message
AllowedSenders String A comma-separated list of email addresses. In case of an entire domain, a ‘*’ will be provided as username
AllowedIPAddresses String For future use
DefaultPageSize String A4|Letter|Legal|B4
DefaultPageOrientation String Portrait|Landscape
DefaultPageResolution String Standard|Fine
DefaultRenderingQuality String Standard|Fine
DefaultPageHeader String For future use
DefaultRetriesToPerform Integer For future use (0 through 9)
DefaultReplyAddress String Applicable only for sending via Web service
AuthenticateBySignature Boolean Use S/MIME signature for authentication.
AuthenticateByTickets Boolean Use Microsoft Office special authentication; If set to True, only messages sent via Microsoft Office will be faxed (messages sent from a regular email program will be rejected).
DefaultDeleteAfterUsage Boolean Delete the fax image as soon as transmission is completed
DialingAreaCode String Area code from which I am dialing. If set, local numbers (w/o long distance prefix) will be properly handled
DialingCountryISOCode String Country dialing from (see Appendix C)