

This method deletes a specified IP address range associated with an account or a user.

Formal Definition


Name Type Comments
UserID String The name of the user authenticating to the API
Password String The password for the username
name String The name associated with the IP address range to be deleted
type String Specifies whether to delete the IP address range for an account (“Account”) or a user (“User”).
ipFrom String The starting IP address of the range to be deleted
ipTo String The ending IP address of the range to be deleted


Name Type Comments
AddNewIPAddressRangeResult Integer Returns 0 for success, otherwise an error code indicating what went wrong; see the Error Codes, below.

Error Codes

Value Description
-150 Internal System Error. An exception occurs at any point in the execution of the web service method.
-405 The specified name is invalid or empty.
-1003 Authentication error: the user cannot be authenticated when either the username or the password is incorrect OR any other last error occurred when authenticating the user.