

This method retrieves a list of all cost centers associated with the authenticated user’s account. The list includes the cost center ID, cost center name, and number of users for each cost center.

Formal Definition


Name Type Comments
Username String The name of the user authenticating to the API
Password String The password for the username


Name Type Comments
GetCostCentersResult Structure Contains a list of cost center summaries and a result code
CostCenterList Array Array of ExtCostCenter, containing the following information per cost center:
CostCenterID Integer The ID of the cost center
CostCenterName String The name of the cost center
UsersCount Integer The number of users of the cost center
ResultCode Integer Returns 0 for success, otherwise an error code indicating what went wrong; see the Error Codes, below. For the full list of error codes see Appendix A.

Error Codes

Value Description
-150 Internal System Error. An exception occurs at any point in the execution of the web service method.
-1003 Authentication error: the user cannot be authenticated when either the username or the password is incorrect OR any other last error occurred when authenticating the user.