

This method enables the retrieval of an inbound fax(image) by providing the requested file type.

Formal definition


Name Type Comments
Username String As provided during registration
Password String As provided during registration
MessageID Integer Message ID of the transaction to download
Pages String (1-Number of pages,”” (All))
Format String PDF/TIF/PNG
ChunkSize Long Buffer size to download. Maximum download size is defined in System Limitations
From Long Offset (zero-based) in bytes to start reading the buffer from

Output: GetDocChunk Result

Name Type Comments
ResultCode Integer

0 – OK

< 0 – Error, see Appendix A

Data byte array byte array of the image part that you requested
Request total size Integer Message size in bytes

Instead of the current MessageSize parameter, users will be able to use the new method and indicate the required file type and the number of pages (or All). As part of the result parameters, the request file size is returned.