

Returns full information for a subset of transactions.

Note that this method is rate-limited, as defined under Outbound PCI System Limitations

Formal Definition



Name Type Comments
Username String As provided during registration
Password String As provided during registration
TransactionList String List of transaction IDs (separated by comma) of faxes to query.


Name Type Comments
ResultCode Integer 0= OK; less than 0 = Error, see Appendix A. Note that this refers to the success/failure of placing a query, NOT to the result of fax transmission.
FaxItems Array Array of FaxItemEx

FaxItemEx Definition

Name Type Comments
TransactionID Long
SubmitTime DateTime Time when the transaction was originally submitted by the client
CompletionTime DateTime End time of last of all transmission attempts
UserID String
Contact String The text which was inserted into the Contacts property upon submission of the fax (available in select submission methods only).
DestinationFax String The fax number in a canonical format (see Appendix B)
RemoteCSID String Receiving party CSID (up to 20 characters).
PagesSent Short Number of successfully sent pages.
Status Integer Fax status. 0= OK; greater than 0 = Error (See Interfax Error Codes)
Duration Integer Transmission time in seconds.
Subject String Original value as submitted.
PagesSubmitted Short Number of pages originally submitted.
SenderCSID String CSID of calling party
Priority Short Priority assigned to the fax
Units Decimal Number of units to be billed (pages or tenths of minutes)
CostPerUnit Decimal Monetary units, in account currency. Multiply this by ‘Units’ to get the cost of the fax.
PageSize String A4LetterLegal, or B4
PageOrientation String Portrait or Landscape
PageResolution String Standard or Fine
RenderingQuality String Standard (optimize for black & white) or Fine (optimize for greyscale)
PageHeader String Header overlaid on fax
RetriesToPerform Short Retry attempts requested
TrialsPerformed Short Retry attempts actually performed
LocaleID Integer For internal use
GMTBias Integer For internal use
RetriesInterval Integer Interval in minutes between retries
UserData String Reserved for future use
DeleteAfterUsage String Was the fax sent with ‘delete image after usage’ set? Note that this string holds a boolean value of either Y or N (for historical reasons).