Fax ASP Classic – Sending Multiple Files to Multiple Recipients with SendfaxEx_2

This fax ASP code example reads a number of files, concatenates them into one string, submits the fax with multiple attachments to the InterFAX Web service, and indicates whether the submission succeeded.

The SendfaxEx_2 method used in this sample has more flexible capabilities than Sendfax (for more details, see Side-by-side Comparison of Web Service Methods).

If sending the fax with ASP succeeds, the return value is a positive number, indicating the transaction ID of the fax in the system. Otherwise, any other value is returned, indicating a failure (for more details, see Web Service Return Codes).

Sending a fax from ASP Classic to one or more recipients with one or more attached files is shown below:

' This method sends 2 documents to 2 fax destinations
Option Explicit

' Prepare fax numbers
Const FaxNumbers = "+12125551212;+442075554321"
'Read data from a file to a byte-array
Const FilenametoFax_1 = "c:\temp\1.pdf"
Dim B1
B1 = ReadBinaryFile(FilenametoFax_1)
Dim Len1 : Len1 = UBound(B1) + 1
Dim DataSize : DataSize = CStr(Len1)
Dim FileType : FileType = "pdf"

' In case additional file(s) are required, add them
Const FilenametoFax_2 = "c:\temp\1.doc"
Dim B2
B2 = ReadBinaryFile(FilenametoFax_2)
Dim Len2 : Len2 = UBound(B2) + 1

' And combine the 2 buffers
Dim B : B = ConcatByteArrays(B1, B2)

' Set parameters to reflect multiple documents
DataSize = DataSize & ";" & CStr(Len2)
FileType = FileType & ";" & "doc"

'Invoke the Interfax method
Dim SendFaxResult
Dim objEnv
Dim objHttp

Set objEnv = Server.CreateObject("PocketSOAP.Envelope")

objEnv.EncodingStyle = ""

objEnv.SetMethod "SendfaxEx_2", "http://www.interfax.cc"
objEnv.Parameters.Create "Username", Username, objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "Password", Password, objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "FaxNumbers", FaxNumbers, objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "Contacts", "", objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "FilesData", EncodeBase64(B), objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "FileTypes", FileType, objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "FileSizes", DataSize, objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "Postpone", DateAdd("d", -1, Now()), objEnv.URI 'any time in the past for sending ASAP
objEnv.Parameters.Create "RetriesToPerform", 3, objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "CSID", "MyCSID", objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "PageHeader", "", objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "JobID", "", objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "Subject", "Fax Subject", objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "ReplyAddress", "myaddress@mydocom", objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "PageSize", "Letter", objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "PageOrientation", "Landscape", objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "IsHighResolution", False, objEnv.URI
objEnv.Parameters.Create "IsFineRendering", False, objEnv.URI

Set objHttp = Server.CreateObject("PocketSOAP.HTTPTransport")
objHttp.SoapAction = "http://www.interfax.cc/SendfaxEx_2"
objHttp.Send "https://ws.interfax.net/DFS.asmx", objEnv.Serialize
objEnv.parse objHttp

Dim SendResult
SendResult = objEnv.Parameters.Item(0).Value

'Analyze the response
If SendResult > 0 Then
    response.write "Fax submitted. Parent transaction ID: " & SendResult
    response.write "Error sending fax. Return code: " & SendResult
End If